About us

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is a statutory regulator set up by Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar to protect the interests of consumers in Gibraltar and to ensure a fair market is maintained. The OFT's mission is to ensure that markets work well for consumers by encouraging businesses to comply with consumer law and to improve their trading practices. This is achieved by issuing information and educational guidance, undertaking efficient licensing and regulatory work and prohibiting unfair practices.

The OFT’s legal framework is enshrined within the Fair Trading Act 2023 and its subsidiary legislation.

Fair Trading Act 2023

The OFT Commission

The Office of Fair Trading Commission plays an enforcement role as the quasi-judicial body of the OFT. Its purpose is to ensure a level playing field between businesses for the ultimate benefit of consumers and the local economy.

The OFT may refer matters to the Commission following the receipt of complaints or its own investigations. The Commission does not initiate inquiries independently; all of its work is undertaken following references to it by the OFT. Upon receipt and consideration of a reference the Commission may, if it considers a business is causing significant consumer harm, issue an enforcement order requiring the business to refrain the offending course of action or to remedy it.

The OFT Commission must consist of a Chairman and no fewer than four other members, appointed by the Minister. Members are appointed where it appears to the Minister that they have appropriate experience and knowledge of consumer law and practice. For the purposes of any proceedings before it the Commission shall consist of a Chairman and a minimum of two other members.

The OFT's objectives

Its primary objectives are:

  1. to protect the interests of consumers and prevent harmful business practices;
  2. to ensure a fair market is maintained for all businesses in Gibraltar;
  3. to license and regulate Gibraltar businesses;
  4. to facilitate the establishment of new businesses in Gibraltar; and
  5. to prevent the misuse of local high value good dealers and real estate agents for the laundering of money or the funding of terrorism.

It shall meet these objectives by:

  1. promoting consumer law and encouraging businesses to comply with their legal obligations;
  2. investigating and reviewing business practices which may harm consumer interests;
  3. licensing businesses efficiently while encouraging appropriate trading standards;
  4. undertaking supervisory, regulatory and investigatory work on a risk based approach; and
  5. issuing educational information and guidance for the benefit of consumers and businesses.